The first thing I did this morning was to get a Covid self test and take it. I am heading to see my family and I wanted to ensure I wasn’t bringing Covid along with me. I grabbed a cup of coffee and took the test while sitting in my car. I swabbed my nose as it says to do (and as we’ve all had done so many times in the past two years), dipped the swab into the little vial of solution and waited. When the ten minutes had passed, I checked, and low and behold… it says positive and I had Covid! Crap!!! I’m going to have to quarantine for 10 days which puts me on the last day of my stay in Orlando!
I wanted to make sure so I did it again…. and again… it was positive. I’ve heard these tests can be inaccurate so decided to get this professionally done to make sure. I found a clinic in Richmond that could see me and made an appointment. I went in early in the afternoon and the first thing they did was give me an instant test. That test came back negative!! NICE!! Due to the mixed results, they sent a sample away to get, what they called the gold standard test, a PCR test.
I was supposed to stay with my older cousin that night and even though I did not have a fever and had no symptoms, I didn’t feel comfortable staying there that night. So it looked like I was going to quarantine in my van until the test results came back.
I did do some exploring of Richmond anyway and just made sure I didn’t go inside anywhere, masked up and I avoided people. I enjoy seeing capitals so headed towards the downtown area of Richmond where the capitol building is located. The area around the capital building was fenced off with some kind of stands set up and areas under construction so I couldn’t really see much. There were some cool statues which I enjoyed reading about.
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A day later, my test came back negative! The trip continued on.